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Thankful & Blessed

 The last few weeks here at Trinity, we have been talking about being Thankful and Blessed as we move toward our Thanks Service.

It was something that we wanted our members to really pray and think about, but for me, it was as if I was just going through the motions in my mind and concentrating only on making sure in each service, that we were communicating it well to all of our members.

As I was starting to actually take the time to focus on my own personal life and the words Thankful and Blessed … a few things happened and I don’t think it was all a coincidence.

We often sit around and compare our lives to others and we look at someone’s house or car and “things” they have. We feel as though we have to “keep up with the Joneses”… I confess, sometimes I find my mind thinking this way.  THEN, as we do each year here at TBC – we had TrunkNTreat!! It is very easy to look around at the families that visit our campus and understand how Thankful and Blessed I should be. How fortunate I really am. THEN, a few nights later at Target, someone came up to me that I had not seen in a while and we started catching up on life. They asked me how I was doing and did I have a family and kids. As I started to tell them about my kids, I found myself feeling very “proud” as I spoke of their lives, accomplishments and the adults they have become. THEN, a few days later, I was talking to a few friends and they were telling me how everyone that knew my wife … wanted to grow to be like her. That she was someone they look up to and they strive to be like her (a strong, independent, Godly women, who gives all of herself to others and who desires to make a difference in people’ lives).

I actually started laughing to myself after the 3rd incident. I immediately felt that God had arranged these moments to make me realize how Thankful and Blessed I should be.

Of course, I can start talking about the great friends I have, my health, my surrounding family members…etc. And most of all, my church family and the staff here at Trinity that I have the opportunity to work and be around each week. There is a lot to be said about being a part of a church family – and being here at Trinity for the past 25 years. I am truly Thankful and Blessed.

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