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The Incredible Race

VBS is seven Sundays away. Can you believe it. Seven Sundays. I feel like I could use about 100 more Sundays. I love VBS but man are they work. There are so many little details that go in to the planning. I have put together many Vacation Bible Schools, even one Star Wars themed (if you know anything about me or have been past my office, you know, I LOVE STAR WARS). But I think this year’s VBS may be my favorite. This year we are talking about the Incredible Race. We will talk about the Tower of Babel and how God made us different but how we are the same. This message is so amazing. We will be looking at different cultures, different countries, different people and see how we are all connected. I love how Jesus loves us. Studying for VBS has just constantly reminded me of His love. He loves us despite our past, our failures, our age, our race, it doesn’t matter to Him. What an amazing lesson to be able to teach the kids this summer. We unfortunately live in a society where we see so much hate. School shootings, church shootings, racial diversity, terrorism, hate, the news is full of so much hate. Hate for our neighbors, hate for politicians, hate for people who look different than us, hate for people who think differently. Jesus is not like that at all. Jesus loves us, all of us. Jesus loves those who love him, who hate him, who look like him, look differently. Jesus loves us all. And we are to be like Jesus. I love that we are using one of our biggest ministry opportunities to cover our community in love. What a powerful message. Love. No matter who are are or what you’ve done. Jesus loves you. Thats the message that our society needs. Love. If you are able to help with VBS, I would for you to help, but if you can’t, I would love for you to pray. Pray for our leaders. Pray for excitement and strength through the week of VBS. Pray for the kids who will be attending VBS. Pray that the Lord starts preparing their hearts. I can’t wait to see what the Lord does this summer! 

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