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Sharing the Gospel

As Christ-followers we know that Jesus has given us the responsibility to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers. In the New Testament, Jesus says things like, “go and make disciples of all nations”; and, “you will be my witnesses”. While there is no question we are called to make disciples and to be a witness for Jesus, we often do have questions about how we should go about sharing the gospel with someone. I want to share briefly 4 practices that I believe will
help you share the gospel effectively.

First, study the gospel message. It just makes sense that we should learn something ourselves before we can share it with someone else. The same is true when it comes to sharing the gospel. How can we expect to share it effectively if we do not know it intimately? If you are like me, sometimes you can fall into the human mindset of “how do I begin?” “What do I say?” It’s almost as if it’s easy to think of the gospel as a big mountain to climb and we really do not know how to get started. The good news is that God has given us everything we need to share the good news of Jesus Christ in His word. Take time to read and study the gospel so you can be prepared to share at any time. The Roman Road (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9, 10:13) is a great place to begin!

Second, ask meaningful questions. As you build relationships with people through conversations, think about the kinds of questions you can ask that will help bring Jesus into the conversation. It’s ok to ask people questions about spiritual things. In fact, I have found that if I ask someone the question, “are you interested in spiritual things?”; they are eager to share their thoughts. Other questions to consider asking may be, “what do you believe about heaven?”, “did you grow up going to church?”, “how can I pray for you?”. Asking meaningful questions will spark conversations that can lead to you sharing the gospel.

Third, look for a bridge. By a bridge, I mean making a key statement that takes a normal conversation to a conversation centered on Christ. This will involve listening and being intentional about moving the conversation toward Jesus. The goal is to strive for Christ-centered conversations, which will lead to gospel-centered conversations. I recall a recent one-on-one conversation with a student about their schedule is much busier during spring sports
season. I simply stated, “sometimes it’s tough to make God a priority when we’re busy”. This bridge statement moved a normal conversation to a more Christ-centered conversation. The more Christ is present in our conversations, the more opportunities we have to share the gospel.

Fourth, tell your story. As a Christian, you have a story to tell. Anyone who has given their life to Jesus has a powerful story that includes what their life was life before Jesus, how they came to know Jesus, and how their life has changed since surrendering to Jesus. Your personal testimony, I believe, is the most powerful tool you have in sharing the gospel with others. Study, Ask, Look, and Tell. This SALT acronym might help you remember how you can be effective in sharing the gospel. In Matthew 5:13, Jesus says, “you are the salt of the earth”. Go and be salt to those in your world!

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