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Reflections on Ecclesiastes

When it’s my turn to write the blog, a thousand topics always rush through my mind. I think of what God is teaching me personally, what I’m reading, and what the people who read this would most like to hear about. This time I wanted to share some of my thoughts about my study of Ecclesiastes. This study has caused me to evaluate my life from an eternal perspective rather than a more immediate world focused perspective. The basic point of Ecclesiastes is that we long for our lives to have eternal significance, but that significance can only be found in a relationship with God. People live empty lives when they chase after the temporal things of this world hoping these earthly things will fill the eternal hole in our hearts. One way the author mentions he sought to find meaning was by accumulating a great deal of wealth and enjoying all that comes with wealth. He built many great buildings and accomplished many great things. Yet, as he thinks about the greater meaning of things, he seems to indicate that these have no “real” value. Reading this book certainly makes us pause and wonder which path we should take. What makes sense for us to spend our time on? If money, leisure and earthly projects don’t fulfill, what will?

Here at TBC Cayce we often say that our goal is to love, reach and grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. In light of Ecclesiastes, we should ask if this goal is worth our time and effort. As I think about our purpose from an eternal perspective, I realize it is one of the most important things we can put our time and energy into that has clear eternal impact and thus meaning. I’m thankful that God has given us so many good, temporal things which we can pursue and enjoy in Him. I’m also grateful that these things can have eternal value if we are pursuing them for His glory. So, if you haven’t already done it, take some time and ask if what you are doing has eternal value or just temporary value. Then, ask the Lord to make your life as meaningful as possible as you focus on the things that matter most.

Blessings, Pastor Eddie

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