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I have recently renewed and old hobby of mine that I enjoy very much, the wonderful game of golf. There are many aspects to the game of golf that I love, but what has been the most apparent to me over the past moths as I have resumed playing more frequently is the need for consistency and developing good habits or routines. Whats do great about the game of golf is that anyone can be good. Despite what your perceived athletic ability, height or weight if you learn the fundamentals you can be a decent golfer. Maintaining and improving however takes incredible consistency and the ability to repeat of duplicate your swing on command.

As the summer winds down and we are days away from the start of another school year we as parents are in a similar predicament. If we were honest most of our healthy routines and habits tend to slip throughout the summer. It can be the simplest of things like bedtimes and family meals to more serious things like our church attendance of family devotions. Whatever your summer is like as a parent, married couple or a student I would encourage you to think hard about the coming weeks. You have a great opportunity as your friends and family are “getting back into the routine” to maybe begins something new, or renew a good habit you’ve let slack.

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