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Planning for the Future

Preparing budgets aren’t particularly a huge joy in any ministers life, but i guess it’s further proof that God must have wired me differently than most. As Trinity Baptist looks forward to the fiscal year of 2018-2019 our staff and finance covet your prayers in the area of financial planning. Budgeting for a church is a completely different process than any type of budgeting and it begins with one simple question.  What does God desire for us to do in the coming days?  When faced with this reality plotting giving patterns, forecasting future church growth and rising expense predictions must take a back seat.  Absolutely we want to be diligent in our planning and perpetration, but the issue of supreme importance is what God has in store for TBC.  As many of you will read in the upcoming Trumpet and have heard in Church Conference we are on the verge of exciting times in then future of our facilities and ministries.  As our Lay Team and I work together in preparation for those future times we covet your prayers and encouragement. Our finance team: Brian Prevatte, Howard Altman, TK Woods, Kristie Harrell, Tony Shumpert and Karen McKinney look forward to the weeks ahead and for the chance to share with our church family April 18 in our Church Conference.

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