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A few weekends ago, we had an entertainer on campus named Mark Lippard.  He was a variety entertainer- he could do everything from eat fire to ride the biggest unicycle I have ever seen – he was almost eye-to-eye with the people on the balcony!  He was very entertaining – until he asked me to be his volunteer.  Suddenly, I wasn’t so entertained.  He asked me to stand on the stage – then without warning, he scooped me up on his shoulders.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, he then hopped on his unicycle and WITHOUT MY PERMISSION began to ride in circles around the stage.  I am certain I looked hysterical (as in funny and about to lose it – both were true).  I have slight (well, maybe a tad more than slight) fear of heights, I was sick that night, and I get dizzy easily – all combining into an absolutely terrifying ride around the stage.  However, one thing I know that was true- I was holding on for dear life.  I wasn’t going to let go of that man’s neck for anything in the world. I was TRUSTING IN HIM. I got to thinking – sometimes life is like my unexpected ride around that stage on a strange man’s shoulders on a unicycle.  You might never expect that curve ball life throws at you – that sickness, that accident, that sudden loss of a job.  But one thing is for certain, if you hang on to God with all your might, He will protect you from falling.  He knew each and every step you would take, and sometimes falter. Psalms 56:3 states “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.  God is bigger than even your biggest fear, challenge or situation.  He had me in his sovereign hands while I was scooting around on stage on someone else’s back.  The phrase “Fear Not” is mentioned in the Bible 365 times. What does that tell you?  God is serious about our trusting Him. Put your faith in Him today!

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