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To prepare for this Sunday, there are several key actions that you can take to get involved and help out. Here they are:

1. Pray

Pray that our church will be a place of love and encouragement that points people to Jesus during this time of disaster recovery.

2. Invite

Invite people who are unchurched to see the love of Jesus in action as we pray for those serving in the flood.

3. Bring

Bring perishable food and water donations to church. We will ensure your donations get to the places that most need them. Please, no more clothing donations at this time.

4. Give

If you want to donate to the TBC Cayce Flood project grab an offering envelope and write “FLOOD” next to that amount or portion. Be sure you write the word “FLOOD” on the envelope and not just on the check.

5. Check

Check our Facebook page and website for updates and chances to serve. As we get information, we will pass it along via these primary channels.

Thank you to everyone who has donated, prayed, and served during these difficult times. You are making a strong impact!

See you Sunday!

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